
The Nhs Institute For Innovation And Improvement

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The NHS Institute for Innovation and Improvement (2013) delves into how to utilize the TOC more in a step-by-step process to achieve continuous flow and improve throughput. Application of the TOC is identified in the classic five-step process in their article with more insight into achieving continuous flow and improve throughput: Identify the system’s constraint itself. Learning that the true constraint is often a lack of availability of a specific skill or piece of equipment is helpful in quickly identifying the constraint, and the manager is encouraged to continually ask “why” to diagnose the constraint. Get the most out of the constraint when it is identified, or “exploit” it. The constraint must always be managed in specifically working this part of the process. Support the system constraint by placing everything else in the process in subordination to it. Elevate the constraint by investing in additional resources which would be necessary if this step involves a true “bottleneck.” Go back to step one and do not allow inertia to become the system’s constraint. The focus in the last step is to dwell on continuous improvement by evaluating the entire process and its smooth operation. 1.2.3. TOC and Optimized Production Technology with Local Optimization Continuous improvement is an ongoing process for all industries, and in a writing by Youngman (2009), the focus shifts to operational problems that are identified as the stem for modern medicine’s issues and

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