
The Marketing Concept Essay

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The Marketing Concept The marketing concept has evolved over the last years, marketing reflects to a key approach to doing business. An organisations objective is to make profit, to do this they have to consider the marketing concept, in order to satisfy customers. For an organisation to be successful should divert its attention away from particular products and towards the interest of the customers. Customers changing their needs and wants influence an organisations strategies and plans. Meeting customer’s needs is the main key in marketing.

The chartered institute of marketing used the following definition: …show more content…

For Nokia to stay in the business they need to meet these basic requirement of the customer. If Nokia does not meet the customer requirements, then the customers will walk away and will use another brand such as Samsung, Erickson etc. Nokia was successful because they met the needs of the customers.

“The Marketing concept holds that the key to achieving the organisational goals lies in determining the needs and wants of target markets and delivering the desired satisfaction more efficiently and effectively than the competition”[3]. For an organisation to provide products that satisfy customers needs through a co-ordinated set of activities that also allows the organisation to achieve its goals, because customer satisfaction is the major aim of marketing concept.[4]

Organisations need to communicate effectively with their customers, outlining the benefits of its service and how they can be used to

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