
The Major Moral Problem That Human 's Face Essay

Decent Essays

Reading: Matthew 5-8, 19; Little, Naming Good and Evil, Catechism (para. 1700-1986)

According to Little, what is the major moral problem that human’s face?
According to Joyce A. Little, the major moral problem that human’s face is that when people attempt to agree upon attacking evil, their different opinions separate their views on identifying exactly what should be right? Little expresses the problem as "we cannot agree on what would be right or good for people whose fundamental views of reality are radically opposed to the Church 's" (23). What is our true source of knowledge of good and evil?
The true source of knowledge for most people is the "tree of the knowledge of good and evil." But to Joyce A. Little, it 's not the "knowledge" in itself, but the quality of being able to name something, which is the ability to learn about something in order to label it. So in other words, according to Little, the knowledge of good and evil is really the knowledge to label something as good or evil. She writes, summarizing God 's command to Adam and Eve, not to eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, "Do not claim the ability to name or to define what is good and evil for yourselves, because you do not know enough about me to know what you are supposed to do to be my image in the world. Only I know how I can properly be imaged, and there only I can tell you what is good and evil for you" (25). The real sin of Eve and Adam was in claiming for themselves

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