
The Intelligence Quotient Test: Development and Usage

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The Intelligence Quotient (IQ) test was first developed in 1904 by Alfred Binet and has been used since to classify individuals usually students according to their performance on the test. "Supporters argue that IQ tests enable educators to identify gifted students, as well as those who need special help," (Gaunle, 2011). Medina (2002) notes that IQ tests have been misused but that they also end up "helping promising lower-class students get into good schools." In spite of their potential to reveal certain types of intelligence, IQ tests are deeply flawed in their design, their methodology, and their application in practice.
IQ tests may still be useful in certain institutional contexts, or as just one feature of a more thorough and nuanced evaluation of a student. As Gaunle (2011) states, "it would be a mistake to discard the IQ tests despite its flaws." However, IQ tests must never be the only means by which to measure intelligence. There are too many types of intelligence to rely on just one test to measure it. Moreover, the IQ test is inherently flawed in that it "does not, and cannot, take into account the mood of the person whose intellect is being evaluated," ("Behavior, Race, and IQ," 1970). If the person taking the test is uncomfortable, angry, or scared, those feelings might impact test scores. IQ tests might not even measure innate abilities but instead, culturally-acquired types of knowledge and intelligence.
One of the reasons why IQ tests are flawed is

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