
The Importance Of Generation Y : The Smartest Generation

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Baby Boomers (people over the age of 30) have begun to grow out of their “baby” status as many of them begin to grow older and some even begin to retire. As these Baby Boomers begin to step down from their positions, they leave a hole that Generation Y (people under the age of 30) is next in line to fill. As the years continue to pass, Generation Y will continue to assume more and more responsibilities until the day comes in which Generation Y is called upon to lead the world. However, many Baby Boomers are concerned that Generation Y just may be the dumbest generation ever. Should the fate of the world really be entrusted to this youthful, tech-savvy generation? Despite Baby Boomer fears, Generation Y just may be the smartest generation …show more content…

In addition, due to its immediacy, "the digital world lowers barriers to self-directed learning." This means that people no longer have to seek out traditional teachers but can instead learn a subject by themselves. Generation Y is able to be much more flexible with their learning schedules than any generation before them. Young adults no longer have to choose between putting food on the table or learning new trades, they can now do both. However, despite all of this, some people may still argue that Generation Y is the dumbest generation due to their lack of in-depth knowledge on a topic. Technology has rendered many old school practices obsolete and inefficient, as Nicholas Carr stated, “research that once required days in the stacks.. can now be done in minutes.”(source 4). Hand sewing was rendered inefficient by the sewing machine, horses and wagons were replaced by cars, and memorization of numerous facts and events were kicked to the side by the smart phone. There is no longer a need for Generation Y to memorize obscure dates and facts as they can now look them up within a matter of seconds on their phones. However, this doesn't hamper critics such as R. Smith Simpson who laments that there is an "abysmal ignorance of so elementary a subject as the geography of the United States." (source 5) In some

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