
The Importance Of Family Traditions

Decent Essays

It’s very important to set up a family tradition because it often tell a story about a family and it identifies who your family is and how they’re different from other families. Traditions can also bridge together gaps between generations, and it unites family members to spend more time together. Which is why some of our family traditions that we spend together would be Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New year’s. On Thanksgiving Day, our family friends would always invite us to their house. Since we we’re always invited my mom and I would start days before preparing the ham. We would slow cook the ham and prepare it. My mom and I would also make sweet potato with marshmallows on the top (not sure what’s It called). Then later at night we would go to our family friends house with some other friends and we would start praying and saying what were all thankful for, and would start to go around the table getting portions of food such as Turkey, ham, mashed potatoes, green beans and mac and cheese. Then after we were done with our food we would start doing our black Friday shopping. We would start by going to Best Buy and get the best deals in the stores, then we would go to Memorial City Mall and shop clothing, buy gift cards and buy stuff for my mom, dad, brother and girlfriend. Which is how my family would end our thanksgiving tradition. Our Christmas traditions doesn’t start on Christmas day but it starts on Christmas eve. Me and my dad usually do our

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