
The Impact Of Radio Frequency On The Health Care Industry And Libraries

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Radio Frequency Identification is the use of radio frequency waves to remotely identify material. It is primarily used in supply chain management but can be used in other areas. Used as a tracking tool, RFID keeps track of material in the transportation pipeline enabling users to have real time tracking information throughout the entire shipping process. Inventory management is another important logistics element that is enhanced with the use of RFID. The goal of an inventory manager is to maintain a 100% inventory and RFID makes the process more efficient. RFID allows the user to perform inventories with ease and accuracy while reducing the number of people needed to perform the inventory. In addition to assisting with inventory RFID …show more content…

What about that warehouse worker standing on the loading dock or that grocery store worker with the scanner in his hand? More than likely the average person has never given those evolutions a second thought. The unassuming eye merely sees a truck on the interstate or a stock boy stocking shelves. These are just a few functions of the supply chain within the logistics industry and they happen every day. Logistics is a massive operation with many moving parts like inventory management, transportation, shipping, tracking and visibility. One of the main purposes of logistics is to get the right item to the right place in the right amount of time. So that tractor trailer speeding down the highway is more than likely transporting supplies for a customer and likewise, that company is tracking their supplies that they are expecting. In the logistics world there is never a moment in time when something is not moving. No matter how big or small on the logistics spectrum there is always the potential for items to get lost, stolen, or even misidentified. . Inaccuracies such as this can make a company can be costly for a company. In an effort to minimize these potential losses companies adopt processes and procedures to assist. There are different systems available to assist but Radio Frequency Identification Technology is the best method to track shipments, manage inventories and maintain

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