
The Impact Of Hurricane Katrina

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Cultural revolution is something that has a massive impact on people from all walks of life. People who lived through Hurricane Katrina in Louisiana and surrounding areas have been impacted the most. Katrina tough the people on the Gulf Coast that sometimes people have to go through the hard obstacles in life to learn new things about themselves as well as survival. I believe that no matter how broken thing appear you can overcome these devastating events such as Hurricane Katrina. Katrina survivors hard work and dedication with limited resources have overcame all obstacle that was in my way Hurricane Katrina had a lasting impact not only on the state of Louisiana but on the rest of the nation by it’s devastating effect. This caused a national alert to come together and find a way to assist survivors of this catastrophic event. …show more content…

When storms come through Florida my mother and family stay and they board up windows, stock up on nonperishable items and water. Life has gotten more challenge since Hurricane Katrina because so many people were displaced and and have the relocated to the panhandle of Florida. The population has grown which makes it more difficult to get assistance. My mother and family have changed the way they think and they are grateful for the little things because most of the survivors of Katrina lost

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