
The Impact Of Advancements Of Robotic Technology Essay

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Abstract The purpose of this paper is to explore the impact of the advancements of robotic technology in libraries. It provides a literature-based background on the general state of robotics and adds insights related to the library setting. Additionally, it looks into the factors that libraries need to consider when planning to acquire robots, including finances, staff and technical knowledge, space and charging facilities. Finally, it provides a quick look at how this technology will affect both the libraries and communities. I. Introduction The concept of “robots” has been with humans for a long time. From the “robot-knight” plan of Leonardo da Vinci to the automatons of Jacques de Vaucanson, to the robots created by several robotics companies, people have demonstrated a fascination. The word robot came from the Czech word, “robota” which means “forced labor”. In 1921, writer Karel Capek used it in his play entitled Rossum’s Universal Robots (R.U.R.). The credit for coming up with such term, however, goes to Josef Capek, his brother. Presently, robot means a machine that performs complex actions, similar to humans or other animals; also a machine that can perform repetitive tasks, guided by automatic controls. (Shulman & Buckley, 2014). Advances in technology have allowed the world to move forward in the creation of these machines for various purposes. Libraries, being both learning and cultural hubs of societies, have unique opportunities to introduce the idea of robots.

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