
The Ideology That Best Describes Me Is Moderately Conservatism

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The ideology that best describes me is moderately conservatism. Conservatism is defined according to our textbook By The People: Debating American Government; conservatism is the ideology that defines as “Americans who believe in reduced government spending, personal responsibility, traditional moral values, and a strong national defense” (Morone, Kersh, 2016, p.37). That is to say, the conservatism I will be describing typically leans to a limited government in our democracy, tends to support individualism for every citizen, intervening in certain warfare with military force when an aggressive group is threatening America and keeping religious culture; mostly Christianity within our Constitution. Different political parties spill my household and they’re our factors I can see where I can get my views. My mother is tends to be a conservative. She votes and always tunes into the political debates and listens to a Conservative radio station channel in her quiet times. She wasn’t raised in a religious household and believes it affected her spiritually as many immoral situations happened during her childhood. She wanted her child to have a religious status and she chose to raise us Catholic. We weren’t raised has strict Catholics, but we were put in private Catholic living in Salt Lake City and we went to church every Sunday. Following my mother, I do believe I should follow a religious status, but I also believe that we should respect all other religions because no everyone

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