
The Gentle Art of Web Pages Essay

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The Gentle Art of Web Pages For the last millennium, adventurous souls have been accessing new and unfamiliar frontiers in search of adventure and a taste of the exotic. The last decade ushered in with it an appeal to the more intrepid members of this small group of people: The Internet. Access to this particular medium has hit an all-time high in the 1990's, and every tekkie has his own celebration of self occupying space on it. However, not all of the sites on the Internet are shameless celebrations of self. Some of these pages can be found to have their roots in the archaic designs of the past; some are the logical progression for a technological innovation such as the internet. One of these progressions, cyberpunk, the 90's …show more content…

This information, which could have been spread out and overburdened with text, is presented in a small 507x263 clickable map. This type of interface allows the user to find and access his desired topic with out having to search a lengthy page to find it. The reader need only click on one of the many images, and he will be transported to a different location. The only downside to this type of graphical platform is the amount of time that it takes to load the image. Skeptics will contend that loading text (without a graphic) will take less time; however, this detracts from the overall aesthetic quality of the site, and removes from consideration the whole notion of graphical versions and the importance that they play in a creative web page. The pictures used by Sci-Fi Channel: The Dominion, while visually unappealing to some, will certainly enchant the more jaded members of society. The eerie, almost ethereal, graphic is genius when placed in context with the theme of science-fiction: that which is unworldly and alien. Besides being a tantalizing object of art, it serves as an impressive container for links on the page. There are two drawbacks, however: since this page is most impressive when viewed with Netscapereg., and some webcrawlers, such as those using the Internet Explorer or Mosaic, may not be able to load any kind of picture, ruining the practicality of such a method. Some others, such as a student of the University of

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