
The Food Chain : Food And Agriculture Organization Of The United Nations

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It is important to start with de definition of food chain, FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations) defines the food chain as responsible for the supply of food that is safe, healthy and nutritious, which is completely traceable from farm to fork (, 2014). The food chain is reported as both a supply chain and a value chain (Havas and watts 2014). Therefore, supply chain consists of all parts, from primary producers, food processing, food distribution, food retail, food catering /hospitality to final consumers (see figure 1).
On the other hand, it is important to understand the appropriate meaning of traceability as the capacity to determine the continuing location of products and to trace products back to their origin and used methods of production (Trienekens et al., 2014).

Based on the supplies of traceability in the food chain, all supply chain actors have to get an internal and external traceability in order to supply whole supply chain and know who their supplier is and to whom the product is directed (see figure 2). Besides, they have to apply safe and quality management systems such as HACCP, International Standard for Auditing Food Suppliers (IFS), the British Retail Consortium (BRC), Safe Quality Food (SQF), inter alia, in order to follow the regulations and control all their operations in an efficient way (Aung and Chang 2014).

In traceability, it is necessary, the trace back investigation for food in the situation of fraud or

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