
The Flowers By Alice Walker Essay

Decent Essays

Alice Walker shows Myops innocence and subsequent loss thereof through her usage of vivid imagery as well as the small setting and symbolism in “The Flowers”. Myop’s sudden exposure to the harsh reality of racism surrounding her shatters her innocence. The tone of the short story changes abruptly showcasing the main characters shift in how she sees the world. For she is suddenly and violently thrust into a world in which skin color dictates how others in society will treat her. There is a clear switch in tone in “The Flowers” as Myop is exposed to the world outside her home. The initial tone of the short story is carefree and child-like. Though the perspective of the story is third person omniscient initially, it is still evident that we are viewing the story through a child’s lens. The young protagonist skips “lightly from hen house to pigpen to smokehouse” showing that she is happy, excited even, to enjoy the natural setting weaved around her. As Myop explores, it becomes evident that her family’s financial situation is less than ideal. Wandering towards the woods, she leaves behind the “rusty boards of her family’s sharecropper cabin” (Walker). Now with little else to weave a setting in the reader’s mind one can already picture the scene as well as the time period. Very little is written about the setting outside of the family home and the surrounding woods. This supports the childlike tone of the beginning of the story as a young child would not have experienced the

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