
The Failures Of The Enron Scandal Essay

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It seems like business morals and ethics are being whisked to the side in lieu of the ever growing demand of higher stock prices, rising budget goals and investor profits. Despite the increased regulation of corporations through legislation, such as, Sarbanes-Oxley, some corporations still find themselves struggling to maintain ethics and codes of conduct within the workplace. In reviewing the failings of the Enron Scandal, one can heed the mistakes that both individual and organization malaise, such as, conflicts of interest, lack of true transparency and the sever lack of moral courage from the government, executive board, senior management and others, contributed to the energy giant’s downfall.
Beyond the Dreams of Avarice
A key factor to Enron’s fall from grace, was due to the foibles of its corporate leadership, in particular, how certain executives were willing to overlook unethical behavior in lieu of profits. For example, Ken Lay, Enron’s Chairman, espoused the ideals that Enron had higher level of morals than the average company (Gibney, 2005). However, on several instances, he failed to enforce or show that level of commitment. In the Vahalla case, he allowed traders that were involved in manipulating and gambling the company’s earnings to continue their operations, despite being warned of their fraudulent behavior (Gibney, 2005). His justification, at the time, was that Vahalla was the only part of the company that was making any money (Gibney, 2005).

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