
The Ethics Of A Professional Situation

Decent Essays

The purpose of this memo is to analyze the ethics of a professional situation in which one party claims undue credit for a project. This case highlights the power of nonverbal communication; it also demonstrates potential hazards due to this power. In this example, David and Sheila are asked to prepare and present a project for an advertising campaign. David works hard to generate ideas but fails to ensure his contributions are recognized. Sheila neglects to communicate and collaborate with David, but later handles the presentation alone. Through her verbal and nonverbal communication, management assumes she is responsible for all of the ideas in the presentation. Sheila fails to correct their assumptions. This is where we begin our assessment of the ethics, dilemmas, and corrective actions that could have been taken.
The primary ethical consideration for this scenario is the way Sheila receives praise for work that is not wholly hers and subsequently fails to recognize and give proper credit to David for his contributions. This behavior is essentially plagiarism and reflects poorly on Sheila’s ethics. David is now presented with the dilemma of how to proceed after this situation. He could do nothing, confront Sheila, or report the problem to his supervisor. By doing nothing, David would risk the same scenario recurring in the future. If he were to confront Sheila, he would be able to express his concerns directly, but they may be disregarded by Sheila. Reporting the problem

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