
The English Civil War Essay

Decent Essays

1. English Civil War: (1642-1649) The English Civil War was a conflict over parliamentary rights caused by King Charles I’s avoidance to checks of his power. King Charles I ruled without summoning parliament for 11 years by acquiring funds through “loans” from wealthy subjects and applying existing taxes more broadly. When he finally summoned parliament in 1640 to raise taxes for an army he arrested those in parliament that opposed him and thus set off the English Civil War. The English Bill of Rights of 1689 was created as a result during the Glorious Revolution of 1688; this requires the king to call parliament frequently to consent changes in laws or raise an army in times of peace. In the end, the English Civil War checked the growth of royal absolutism and certified that England would be a constitutional monarchy. 2. Holy Roman Empire: The Holy Roman Empire was comprised of mostly German states and lasted from 962 to 1806. It was led by an Emperor who was elected by the princes. The Holy Roman Empire stopped the Ottoman at the gates of Vienna and several attacks after. 3. Encomienda: Encomienda was an exploitation of labor. Spanish were granted rights to Amerindians, essentially making them slaves. Amerindians were forced to provide labor and goods to keep their land and in return the Spanish gave them protection and taught them Christianity. A combination of abuse and disease led to a huge decline in Amerindians, forcing Europeans to look elsewhere for labor.

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