
Essay The Effects of Concussions on Athletes

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Recreational athletes, competitive athletes, high school athletes, college athletes, and professional athletes all have one thing in common: the risk of a concussion. It's impossible to go a season without one athlete from a team receiving a concussion. The more that these concussions are studied, the more we learn about them, such as their detrimental effects on athletes. Because of the risk of health issues and death that come with concussions, doctors, coaches, athletic trainers, and lawmakers are stepping in to protect athletes of all levels from receiving concussions. Concussions occur time after time throughout different sporting events and many are familiar with the word concussion, but what really is a concussion? …show more content…

Concussions can truly mess with an athlete’s brain and can give him or her lifelong troubles. Many athletes of all ages and levels have had concussions that have affected their lives in unbelievable ways. Kevin Turner, a former professional football player in the National Football League, can certainly attest to this. Turner spent eight years playing professional football and while playing, acquired the title “Collision Expert”. Many called him this because of the countless deep notches he would receive in his football helmet during games. Since receiving the title of “Collision Expert”, Turner has retired from the NFL and has had to deal with the effects that have come along with those many notches in his helmet. Recently, Turner has been diagnosed with a form of Lou Gehrig’s disease. Scientists have studied Turner’s case and from research, they believe that his form of the disease is related to the many concussions and hard hits he received during his career in the NFL. Now, Turner has a difficult time doing simple tasks as his disease deteriorates his memory and health day by day. Turner has difficulty opening cereal boxes and buttoning shirts and even requires the help of his wife and daughter to help him get ready in the morning (Bartholet). Similarly to Kevin Turner’s case, Briana Binowski, a 16-year-old high school basketball player also knows how concussions can affect an individual’s life. Briana was playing in a basketball game

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