
The Effect of Technology on Globalization

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There has been a great deal of discussion in recent years about globalization, its impact has been both praised and criticized. Globalization is defined as the process enabling financial and investment markets to operate internationally, largely as a result of deregulation and improved communications. I believe the technological advances have had a positive impact on globalization. The use of cellular/mobile phones and the internet have allowed easier access to conduct business anywhere in the world.
Evidence of globalization can be seen in our everyday lives. Technology in many ways is the driving force because it is probably the most obvious aspect of globalization. Advances in communication technology have changed how business is …show more content…

Additionally, the Internet has benefited the world by connecting users to billions of pieces of information from universities, libraries and databases around the world. No matter where you are in the world as long as you have internet access you can learn anything you need to know about a topic in a matter of minutes. My work on this argument is an example of how the internet is beneficial to all who use it. Without access to the internet, this would have been much more labor intensive. It would have required many evenings away from home spent in a library doing research. Instead, I was able to do all of my research from work and home, which allowed for less time away from my son.
The other growing technological trend that is growing is cell phone use. It too allows people to access information from around the world with ease. Whether you are calling another country or surfing the web, information that would normally require a trip to the library can now be accessed on your cell phone. Depending on the phones style and capabilities, it can be used just as easily as a laptop computer.
Most youth today have a cell phone so teachers across the U.S. have started using cell phones in the classroom. They are seen as an important tool that helps them to connect everyday life and learning. A Spanish teacher in Wisconsin gives oral quizzes via cell phone. Another in Michigan has

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