
The Effect Of Acid Rain And Bronchitis

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Acid can take the form of clouds, fog, rain, snow, hail, mist, and dust particles. Acid precipitation, such as rain, looks like normal rain and tastes like it as well. In small amounts, it is harmless. In other ways, it is anything but. Acid precipitation does not affect people directly, but when it is inhaled, it can cause heart problems and affect the lungs, giving people asthma and bronchitis. Some of the effects that acid precipitation has, is that it has the ability to lower the natural pH of lakes and rivers. Acid precipitation can reduce agriculture yields and it can corrode metals and stone structures. Acid precipitation is detrimental to our ecosystems, destroying trees and lakes and and plants and animals. In 1852, a chemist by the names of Angus Smith “coined the term acid rain to refer to the effect that industrial emissions hod on precipitation in the English Mainlands.” Scientists began to study and research acid rain and the effects that it had on the environment, but it was not until years later, in the late 1970s, that scientist began to recognize the major effects acid raid had. “The damaging effects of acid rain on the environment are believed to be considerable in some areas and imminent in others. The best known effect of acid precipitation is the lowering of pH in thousands of lakes and streams in Scandinavia and eastern America.” There are two different kinds of acid deposition: wet and dry. Wet deposition is a series of chemical reactions,

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