
The Differences Between China And Western Europe

Decent Essays

Imagine living in America and it not being well America. There would be different ways of agriculture. Different languages. Different religious beliefs. Having a different way of living in society, economically and politically. Everything would be different if China would have went about and conquered Western Europe during the 14-1500’s.
There are many things in history that can mark the milestone differences between China and Western Europe. No one really knows when Chinese culture really began, however Chinese civilization began near the Yellow River (Huang He) becoming North China, and Yangtze River (Chang Jiang) indicating South China. The first Dynasty, the Xia (Hsia) Dynasty began in about 2070 or 2205 BCE. Historians have found proof of the wheel first being used in China during this time showing urban culture did exist. The Shang Dynasty followed introducing the first Chinese Government. A lot of the “basic” Chinese culture was introduced during the Zhou (Chou) Dynasty such as the “Mandate of Heaven.” China contains a lot of history throughout the years. There were battles between the states, many new emperors and leaders, as well as new technologies. All of which brought three great Chinese philosophies; Daoism, Confucianism, and Legalism. It wasn’t until about 581 CE that China was reunifies under the leader, Sui Wendi. Wendi linked North and South China together by the Grand Canal. It was during the Song Dynasty, in 960 CE, that China promoted better tools. The

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