
The Debt Crisis of Nigeria and Greece

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The debt crisis of Nigeria and Greece
National debt is a problem that can inflict any country including the developed countries. Almost all countries go into budget deficit one way or the other and end up borrowing money. The most direct effect of the government debt is to place a burden on future generations of taxpayers. When these debts and accumulated interest come due, future taxpayers will face a difficult choice. Inheriting such a large debt cannot help but lower the living standard of future generations. In the 1960s and 1970 some developing countries were encouraged to borrow money to service old debts and also to finance development projects in their country like infrastructure. This has been necessitated by the …show more content…

Due to this fact of rising poverty levels, the UNDP Human Development assessment reported that infant mortality per 1000 live births was as high as 112. Life expectancy was 50.1 year. About 43% of Nigerians lack access to safe drinking water and 37% of Nigerians lack access to sanitation; 40% lack access to public health and the gross enrolment ratio for combined primary, secondary and tertiary education was 43%, 37% for females and 48% for males (
It may be necessary to give a brief history of politics in Nigeria. On October 1, 1960, Nigeria gained its independence from the United Kingdom. Newly independent, Nigeria's government was a coalition of conservative parties. The disequilibrium and perceived corruption of the electoral and political process led in 1966 to several back-to-back military coups. By May 1967, the Eastern Region had declared itself an independent state called the Republic of Biafra under the leadership of Lt Colonel Emeka Ojukwu in line with the wishes of the people. During the oil boom of the 1970s, Nigeria joined OPEC, and billions of dollars generated by production in the oil-rich Niger Delta flowed into the coffers of the Nigerian state. The northern military clique

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