
The Day That Changed America Essay

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The Day That Changed America On September 11, 2001, America as we know it changed forever. We were attacked on our own soil for the first time since the bombing of Pearl Harbor in 1941. Our country thought we were safe from terrorist attacks due to the oceans that separated us. We discovered on that horror-filled day that we were extremely incorrect. Our own resources were used against us in those atrocious acts of terrorism. America was transformed from the numerous consequences that came from 9/11. Despite the attacks, the leaders and our nation came together for support and comfort. Four planes were used in the terrorist attempt to tear the nation apart. Five hijackers apprehended American Airlines Flight 11 and used that commercial airplane to crash into the North Tower in New York’s World Trade Center at 8:46 a.m. At 9:03 a.m., five more hijackers overtook the pilots of United Airlines Flight 175 to fly into the South Tower. American Airlines Flight 77 was also seized by five terrorists and used to crash into the western side of the Pentagon at 9:37 a.m. The Capitol or the White House was thought to be the fourth hijacked plane’s target. Because of the heroics of the passengers on United Airlines Flight 93, the plane was forced down in a rural field near Shanksville, Pennsylvania at 10:03 a.m. Flight 93’s voice recorder showed that the passengers and crew tried to regain control from the hijackers. The people aboard that flight were informed of the attacks that took

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