
The Criminal Justice System : An Analysis Of Income And Racial Inequality Essay

Good Essays

Ryan Williams

English 102


6 May 2015

The Criminal Justice System: an Analysis of Income and Racial Inequality

In the history of civilized communities, one finds that different structures and practices

are relevant and necessary to uphold and maintain order within society—hence, the

establishment of the criminal justice system. The criminal justice system, according to the

Oxford Dictionaries (2010), is defined as “the system of law enforcement that is directly

involved in apprehending, prosecuting, defending, sentencing, and punishing those who are

suspected or convicted of criminal offenses.” Although established to preserve order in the

nation, the criminal justice system has detrimentally affected the lives of those it was created to

protect. A plethora of studies have highlighted the pitfalls and bias of the system with regards to

classism and racism. Essentially, the criminal justice system harasses the poor and the African-

American male, but favors the wealthy and affluent. Throughout this essay, one will be

enlightened on how income and racial inequality affects the American criminal justice system as

well as the high recidivism rate of African-American males.

The criminal justice system is made for two groups of people: the poor and the wealthy.

However, both parties do not benefit from the system. In actuality, the focal point of unequal

justice is inequality in income distribution (Reiman, 1979). According to author on

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