
The Constitutional Convention Of The Convention Essay

Decent Essays

The Constitutional Convention was held at Philadelphia from May 25 to September 17, 1787. The purpose of the convention was to revise the articles of confederation. However, what happened instead was an entirely new system of government being created to replace the failed articles. The true results that came forth from the convention is known today as the United States Constitution. Many topics were discussed during the convention, many which have been changed or altered in the decades after the convention. Nevertheless, some stayed as they were since the conventions. The most debated topics at the convention were; how to elect the senate, how “proportional representation” was to be defined, whether to divide the executive power between three individuals or all to the president. How to elect the president, how long he can run and if he can run for reelection, what offences can be impeachable, the fugitive slave clause, if to abolish the slave trade, and whether if judges should be chosen by the legislative or executive branch. These topics were the main points that were the most debated during the convention, many which have been revised and edited to fit with different times and circumstances that have happened in American history. These topics have been at the forefront of many debates since then, and have led to other major and tragic events in our history. However, without the convention, we as American’s would not have the system of government we have today which has

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