
The Constitution Of The Italian Republic

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Italian Law in 20th century: The distinctive features of The Constitution of the Italian Republic
Main features of Italian Constitution, highlighting aspects of laws governing regions and implementation of democracy
Historical background
• Constitutional institutions in Italy have over 150 years of history
• Through those 1,5 centuries the country have seen frequent changes in regimes such as constitutional monarchy to totalitarian fascist dictatorship and to constitutional democracy after 1946
• First constitution, statuto Albertino, was written in 1848 and remained the basic law of united Italy for a century until the rejection of Italian monarchy after WW2
• Constitutional Assembly initiated a return to democratic state by overseeing the drafting of the new constitution which came into force in 1948 and is considered the first republican constitution

‘Revolutionary’ democratic
• It was recognized that Italian Constitution is one of the most democratic constitutions, formulated in post WW2 Europe
• Democracy of it is supported by dedication to rights of individuals, introduction of various political parties and parliamentarism
• EG Arts. 35-47 state that the state is responsible for elimination of economic and social obstacles that hinder freedom and equality of citizens and holds them from participation in political, economic and social life of the country

Sources of law
• Italian legal system rests first and foremost upon The Constitution which is one of the

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