
The Causes Of The Solubility Of Water In The Soda Water

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The results of the experiment showed that as the time the soda water was left out for increased, the moles of carbon dioxide present in the soda water decreased. Similar results can be seen in the following study conducted by R Wiebe and V. L Gladdy which investigated carbon dioxide solubility in water at different pressures and temperatures. This investigation found that at all temperatures, when the pressures were increased the solubility of the carbon dioxide also increased. At 40°, the cc of carbon dioxide per mL of water increased from 11.62 cc per mL at a pressure of 25 atmospheres to 36.73cc per mL at a pressure of 500 atmospheres (Wiebe & Gladdy, Solubility of Carbon Dioxide in Water, 1940). The results from the Wiebe and Gladdy corroborate the results of this investigation by showing that at lower pressures less carbon dioxide is dissolved in water. The results of this experiment occurred because the opening of the bottle causes the loss of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere due to the release of pressure. Prior to opening, the carbonic acid had reached equilibrium with the oxygen and carbon dioxide inside the bottle, which was a closed system. However when the bottle, and thus the system, was opened, the carbon dioxide was able to escape into the atmosphere. This lead to fewer moles of carbon dioxide, thus causing a decline in the quantity of carbonic acid. The change in pressure caused the equilibrium constant to change, as shown by le Chatelier’s principle. The

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