
Essay The Best Way to Grow Up

Decent Essays

Growing up Growing up is something we all have to face regardless of our age, gender, social or cultural status. Growing up is a gradual ladder toward changing (developing) from a naïve child into a mature adult. This change is shaped by the influential people and experiences we have met along the way. Growing up is not an easy process in most cases, but with proper support and positive guidance growing up can be the most rewarding experience. Through the journey of growing up we adopt a sense of responsibility and independence. Growing up is the difference between being told what to do and what decisions to make to making your own decisions and choosing the path you think is right. Becoming independent is one of the most frightening …show more content…

A couple years later my mom starting dating a man who is now my stepdad. He never had kids of his own making it harder for him to communicate and understand a young person like myself. I would always try to act older when I was with him, maybe I could tell he had difficulty interacting with young kids. As a kid I would only talk to my mom it was to the point where I would tell my mom things to say to other people for me, my stepdad being in the picture taught me how to interact with someone besides my mom. He played a huge role in shaping me into a young adult. Fast forward a couple years to 2013, my mom was diagnosed with breast cancer. This was not and still is not an easy thing to have to deal with. This lady who was always this strong person who wouldn’t take crap from anyone has now been beaten down too sick to get out of bed. Our roles have switched now I take care of her, I lie with her for countless hours making sure she is okay just as she did when I was a kid. My mom comes to me for security and reassurance now, I have to be there for her and stay strong. I had to learn to talk to her without crying every time I looked at her. When you were a child your parent crying was one of the scariest things so I have had to do the same for her. This has ultimately pushed me to young adult hood. I had to deal with this huge emotional disaster and the woman who I usually run to for advice was the center of the

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