
The Athletic Shoe Industry: Rivalry In The Athletic Shoe Industry

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The Athletic Shoe Industry

Who would have of thought something you put on your feet to work out in would have such an impact on today’s fashion and provide such a positive impact to the economy. To understand the athletic shoe industry one first needs to know a little of its history. The first running shoe was created in 1852; it was a leather slip with hard rubber soles and built in spikes. The first lightweight, flexible, flat bottom shoe was designed in 1892 by Goodyear, parent of the shoe company Converse All Stars, it was called The Ked. This began the evolution of the modern day athletic shoe.
In 1908 a new shoe company offering a solution to aching feet enters the athletic shoe industry, the New Balance Arch Company. Also, in …show more content…

It appealed to people who wanted something lighter and easier to move when doing thing such as running. Today the demographics of the athletic shoe industry are broader. People are just buying athletic shoes for sports and working out. Customers are buying athletic shoes for comfort, fashion and as collectables. How have businesses in the athletic shoe industry handled the changes in the market and remain competitive. Each key player has similarities, but also differences for sustaining their competitive …show more content…

Rivalry is another mitigating factor in the shoe industry. Ensure that name recognition is first when you think of buying shoes. Companies like Nike, Adidas and Under Armor have many tools that help keep them the top three athletic shoe brands. All three companies use celebrity endorsements. Nike has endorsement with Michael Jordan and Lebron James, Adidas with James Harden and Damian Lillard and Under Armour with Cam Newton and Steph Curry. Another tool is licensing deals with the NFL, NBA, MLB and NHL. These licensing deals to get their logos in magazines, TV, movies and

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