
The Affects of Substance Abuse on Family Essay

Decent Essays

The effects of drug abuse on a person’s family.
Nancy Kiger
SPC1010 - Presentation Skills - OL08
Theresa White

The effects of drug abuse on a person’s family.
As a recovering addict I know firsthand how my addiction affected my family. Addiction to alcohol or drugs is a disease; it affects everyone in the family, not just the substance abuser. Effects may vary depending on family structure, manifesting differently in individual family members; According to the National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse both alcohol and drugs can have dramatic negative effects on a developing fetus. They have been linked with premature birth, decreased head circumference, brain functioning difficulties and low …show more content…

Symptoms of ODD may include: * Frequent temper tantrums * Excessive arguing with adults * Often questioning rules * Active defiance and refusal to comply with adult requests and rules * Deliberate attempts to annoy or upset people * Blaming others for his or her mistakes or misbehavior * Often being touchy or easily annoyed by others * Frequent anger and resentment * Mean and hateful talking when upset * Spiteful attitude and revenge seeking
Visible symptoms of borderline sociopath include; physical aggression, the inability to sustain relationships and shows a lack of regret in his or her actions. Sometimes I truly hate myself for what I have done to my children and family and it is a constant struggle to stay focused on my recovery. Children of substance abusers are also less likely to bond with their parents, in our case this is from both of them feeling abandoned by me. This can potentially lead them to have trouble trusting other people, learning from others, understanding others' emotions, feeling empathy or remorse; they have trouble maintaining relationships and also show a lack of self confidence. I see all of these characteristics in both of my boys, some more than others. I have been in recovery for several years now

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