
Thalessemia Outline

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What are the symptoms of Thalessemia? A lack of oxygen in blood stream cause symptom of thalessemia. This lack of oxygen occurs because body does not carry healthy red cells and haemoblogin. Severity of symptoms depends or severity of disorder: 1. Mild Anemia: People who have Alpa and Beta Thalessemia trait have mild anemia. Most people are asymptomatic except feeling of tiredness. 2. Mild to Moderate Anemia: a. Slowest growth and delayed puberty b. Back problem: It causes bone marrow to expand leading to wider bones than normal. They may become brittle and break easily. c. Enlarged Spleen: Spleen helps fight against infection. In Thalessemia, spleen becomes larger than normal. This makes anemia worse. If spleen becomes two large, it

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