
Teen Suicide In The United States

Decent Essays

There is too much teen suicide in the United States. Many teens who are depressed have mental issues such as depression, anxiety, bipolar, schizophrenia, etc. Often, teens who have these issues feel as if they don’t belong. They don’t feel like talking about certain things going on in their life. Issues regarding sexuality, bullying, and abuse make children feel hopeless and unwanted. They feel alone. The suicide rate has gone up dramatically. There are approximately 100,000 suicides per year and 10,000 to 20,000 of them being from ages 14 to 24. Suicide is also the 3rd leading cause of death for teens. What the survey found is that more female teens then males have attempted or considered suicide. The highest rate being Hispanic females …show more content…

I think it should be held by the Department of Health. The Department of Education could create a required class and teach it in the schools on mental health and options available. I think this will help teens who have illnesses/ suicidal thoughts and it will help to prevent kids thinking about it. The Department of Education could also hold one on one counseling sessions at school. I know that there are counselors at the school, but many kids feel that they don’t listen and can't trust them. Romeo and Juliet felt like they couldn’t trust anyone but themselves. These special counsellors should be available all through the school day. Romeo and Juliet didn’t feel understood. Everyone should feel understood. Romeo and Juliet is a powerful story on how serious suicide is. There are some people who overlook it and think it isn’t a big deal, but it is. Teen suicide needs to stop for good. No child deserves to feel like they don’t belong, and that no one cares about them. No child deserves to be abused in any way. What teens need to understand is that there is always going to be somebody out there who doesn’t like you but try not to let their words get to your heart. Be strong. Know that you are beautiful just the way you are and there is always somebody out there who will

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