
Technology And Technology : The Consequences Of Technology

Decent Essays

Technology is as much of a distraction as it is an asset. It took me 30 minutes to begin this essay because my phone is right next to me, and I got a text. A single message turned into a full conversation along with an update on multiple social media apps. I was annoyed with my phone because it distracted me from my essay, but how could I stay mad at something so important to me? Without my phone I doubt I could be a functioning adult. I couldn’t have bought my Starbucks this morning, I used the mobile app, and I couldn’t have boarded my plane, my boarding pass was sent to my email, and I couldn’t have called an Uber to get back to school.
Technology is fully, and permanently, intertwined into our lives in a way we can’t get rid of without drastically changing our way of life. Professor Christian Lous Lange said, “technology is a useful servant, but a dangerous master.” Our society is on the verge of letting our phones, laptops, and everyday technologies become our masters. Drawing the line where technology surpases usefulness and crosses over into more hazardous territory is difficult. Some think we are too far gone and there is no way to fix the ‘problems’ we’ve created. Our overwhelming addiction to technology scares some into believing typing and audio books will eventually replace handwriting and paperbacks completely. There are also those who fully embrace technology in our society and the rate of its development. I think people need to be more involved in

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