
Technology And Technology

Decent Essays

Technology Needs to Implement This Change Implementing technology to support the use of e-textbooks will impact the institution. A learning management system will be needed to access the e-textbook (Bossaller & Kammer, 2014). Servers or cloud storage will be needed to store files and content (Sundeen & Sundeen, 2013). The Internet is needed to access the e-textbooks (Bossaller & Kammer, 2014). The bandwidth needs to accommodate the use of the e-textbook without having problems with the network freezing, slow downloads, and printing (Bossaller & Kammer, 2014). Students will need a device to access the e-textbook (Romig, 2017), so more computer labs may be needed.
Process of Negotiating with Publishers and University Bookstore During the …show more content…

Since functional features are important to student’s acceptance of e-textbooks, publishers should allow the students to print and download, and this would satisfy the students who want a printed textbook (Mune & Agee, 2016). Publishers also should state how much bandwidth their e-textbooks use (Bossaller & Kammer, 2014). Students could pay for a resource fee that would benefit the publisher because it would eliminate the e-textbook from being copied illegally and would guarantee bulk sales of the e-textbooks (Waller, 2013). The institution would pay the publisher after the last day to drop classes (Chapman et al., 2016). The benefit to the bookstore would be that the bookstore would not have a surplus of printed textbooks (Waller, 2013), and the bookstore could sell the devices that would be needed to use the e-textbooks to the students.
Impact of Change on the College’s Financial Bottom Line
The cost of the change to e-textbooks for the institution will consist of purchasing the new technology, technical support of the technology, and technical support to the users. The institution will have technology expenses of purchasing computers for the computer labs, hardware and software to run the learning management system and the e-textbook platforms, Internet connection and bandwidth, and servers or cloud storage to store software, hardware, e-textbooks, and content. When comparing servers and cloud

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