
Tda 2.1 Child and Young Person Development. 1.1 & 1.2 Essay

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TDA 2.1 Child and young person development. 1.1 & 1.2 Age Physical development Communication and intellectual development Social, emotional and Behavioural development Birth to 3 months Looks at hands. Plays with fingers. Clasps hands. Holds a rattle. Lifts head and chest up. Brings hands together over body. Waves arms. Can lift head and turn when on front. Cries when basic needs require attention. Vocalises when spoken to and when alone. Watches primary carers face. Coos and smiles. Enjoys cuddles and being handled. 3 to 6 months Reaches for a toys. Moves a toy from one hand to another. Put objects into mouth. Waves arms to show that they wish to …show more content…

Uses key essential words but misses out connecting words (telegraphic speech). Develops an awareness of number names through rhymes and songs that relate to numbers. May say some counting words randomly. Attempt, sometimes successfully, to fit shapes into spaces such as jigsaw puzzles. Can use blocks to create simple structures. Enjoys filling and emptying containers. Parallel play (plays near other children). Begins to talk while playing (pretend play). Will imitate adults actions. Strong emotions such as fear, joy and anger are shown. Imitates adults in simple tasks. May alternate between independence and clingy behaviour. Enjoys other children’s company but still reluctant to share. 2 years to 2 ½ years May have established a hand preference (right-handed/ left handed). Can kick a large ball. Can do simple jigsaw puzzles. Begins to ride tricycles. May move out of nappies and begin toilet training. Show some reasoning skills. Begin to ask questions such as ‘’why?’’. Play imaginatively such as role playing. Notices simple shapes. May move out of nappies and begin toilet training. Start taking interest in other children. Begin playing with other children. Start to wait for their own needs to be met. May have tantrums and become easily frustrated. May dislike adult attention being shown to other children. Finds sharing difficult. Be happy leaving primary carer for short periods of time. 2 ½

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