
Tattoos Gain Even More Mobility Analysis

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A tattoo is a mark with an intricate design on the flesh by inserting pigment into the skin. In “Tattoos Gain Even More Visibility”, Trebay discusses how tattoos and body modifications are progressively becoming the norm in today’s society. Trebay is an author at the New York Times and writes mainly about fashion. He discusses the potential affects markings and piercings pose on everyday life. At the beginning of this article he makes references to Lil Wayne and Russian mob members catching the attention of readers. Later on he mentions David Beckham and his tattoos to how they are an example of mainstream. Throughout his article, Trebay uses doctors, fashion models, and others as examples to convey his idea that having tattoos is becoming more common in society. He writes about how even though they are becoming more mainstream, that they still have yet to be accepted in certain careers due to policies on appearance. In his thesis Trebay states “even now some tattoo artists are reluctant to cross”, aiming at the fact that even though more and more people want tattoos, some tattoo artists are still hesitant to putting permanent designs on prominent areas. Supporting evidence from Bob Baxter’s quotes back up the claim in his thesis. ‘“There …show more content…

A woman who is a physical therapist has dreadlocks and noticeable tattoos was accepted by her patient despite her contrasting outward appearance. A runway model with a neck tattoo was accepted by the company and the brands she models for. A woman with a prominent clavicle tattoo is seen as no different by the young girls her agency tends to. Although there are cases of the polar opposite where others are discriminated based on the art they have tattooed on their arms or the body modifications they choose. Trebay used the case of Kimberly Cloutier as an example, where Ms. Cloutier wanted to wear her piercings but was denied due to appearance rules at her

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