
Target Corporation's Information System

Decent Essays

How has the company used information systems to better execute its strategy?
Target Corporation enhance its information warehouses with latest big data that is technologically sophisticated to crunch large data using complex algorithms and provide vital output data for a daily operation as well as strengthen its capabilities over its rival which is a competitive advantage and speed up worker productivity. A quality tracking tool provided by information system tracks each package, parts ensuring the goods meet the quality standard.
Target Corporation allocated large budget to upgrade information system as part of a roadmap to transform business (Target Roadmap, 2015). Once the upgrade is completed, it will provide a large amount of intelligent data for internal resources to support customers faster. It further tracks performance and controls accurately the timely information about daily operations in real time. The automated online and on-demand ad-hoc reports generate reports for each store any time as well retains records of products and services.
The technology enhancement improves the efficiency of the supply chain, safeguard customer information and boost infrastructure associated with the target web portal for supporting online and mobile community an offensive complementary strategic option. The internal information …show more content…

The other non-monetary perks offered to the top executives are a car allowance, parking, on-site exercise room, spousal travel on business trips, and personal use of company aircraft and reimbursement of financial management expenses (Forbes, 2013). A non-monetary element or benefits promote productivity, help retain employees and encourage workforce

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