
Tara Siegel Bernard's Analysis

Decent Essays

Financial decisions are something everyone faces like buying a car to figuring out how to pay for students loans or debts. We are not taught about these types of financial decisions and how to go about them from a young age. In the news article Working Financial Literacy in With the Three R’s by Tara Siegel Bernard, she talks about how more states are beginning to require a personal finance instructions class. In the article Finance Course Prompts Debate by Gina Davis, she suggests incorporating financial elements into already required classes. In the news article Working Financial Literacy in With the Three R’s, Ms. Bernard talks about how more states are beginning to require a personal finance instructions class. For example,” Just 13 states require students to take a personal finance course or include the subject in an economics course before they graduate from high school… meanwhile 34 states have personal finance within their curriculum guideline…” This quote expresses that more and more people are starting to realise that they need a required financial course so they know how to handle financial crises or just how to save up money to …show more content…

For example in the article Financial Education Leaving Americans Behind by Greg Burns, he supports teaching a financial class would not be effective by saying,” … as the high school students who took a semester-long personal- finance class and tested worse than those who didn’t. Or the graduates of retirement-planning class who thought their literacy had increased, when their financial test scores had not.” Even though their test scores were no good after they had taken a financial-class or retirement-planning class, I still maintain that a person finance class would be

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