
Tao Te Ching By Confucius

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A Chun-Tzu is primarily described as the ideal man of the society. It is a concept that can be applied by any individual in the ordinariness of their daily lives. Confucius believes that a Chun-Tzu must have learned the principle “sageliness within; kingliness without.” And also, Confucius believes that morality or ethics is a very important field of every man’s study, for it gives humanity the instructions on what they are ought to do as human beings, or as rational beings. Tao Te Ching is about the harmony and flow of life and the necessity for affinity to it. This book is traditionally attributed to Chinese philosopher Lao Tzu who is the true authorship of the Tao Te Ching. This book is one of the most famous Chinese classic texts and one

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