
Tale Of Two Cities Miss Pross Quotes

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Throughout the book, Miss Pross has been shown multiple times to be very devoted to Lucie Manette and her family. Miss Pross is a maid, but is more like a mother to Lucie and becomes her full time parent and guardian when Lucie is two and her mother dies. Miss Pross is very protective and makes sure no one lay a finger on Lucie’s precious head. Miss Pross makes it very obvious that she would do anything and everything for Lucie and her family. Miss Pross states in the novel “I am desperate. I don't care an English Twopence for myself. I know that the longer I keep you here, the greater hope there is for my Ladybird. I'll not leave a handful of that dark hair upon your head, if you lay a finger on me!” (Dickens 394) At this point in the …show more content…

“ of those unselfish creatures found only among women who will for pure love and admiration, bind themselves willing slaves, to youth when they have lost it, to beauty that they never had, to accomplishments that they were never fortunate enough to gain and to bright hopes that never shined upon their own somber lives.” (Dickens 87) This quote is aiming towards Miss Pross who is very connected to Lucie because she was never beautiful and she is no longer young and does not have as many opportunities anymore and knows that Lucie has a bright future in front of her and wants to do everything she can to put her life in the right direction. Miss Pross needs to take care of someone like Lucie to make sure she could have everything Miss Pross might have not had. Miss Pross is an “unselfish creature” (Dickens 87) because she cares for Lucie out of admiration and love, she never hesitates to take things one step further in protecting her “ladybird”. (Dickens 215) Miss Pross has been shown to be quite the guardian throughout this novel by making many unselfish acts to protect Lucie and manages to keep her loyalty and devotion to Lucie’s family during the toughest times in the revolution, and never expects anything back from …show more content…

After eighteen years of solitary confignment in the Bastille prison, Lucie’s father (Alexander Manette) has gone insane and is unaware of the life around him. With Lucie's patience and compassion Mr. Manette is restored to his old self. Now that Lucie and her father have reunited their bond cannot be broken. Lucie’s good-hearted nature is brought up once more when she shows her understanding toward Sydney Carton as he confesses his feelings about her, even though he has been nothing but a bitter, confused drunk around her. The first time Lucie met her father: "With the tears streaming down her face , she put her two hands to her lips, and kissed them to him; then clasped them on her breast, as if she laid his ruined head there" (Dickens

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