
Sweatshirt And T-Shirt Essay

Decent Essays

For this experiment, our hypothesis was that if we used sweatshirt fabric, then it will cause the UV bead to have the lightest color, opposed to having fabric from the middle part of a hat, and t-shirt fabric.
The control date remained the same throughout the experiment. Each indicator bead stayed at “5” on the UV color guide. The experimental data varied. The beads that were under the sweatshirt and the t-shirt fabric had a “2” on the UV color guide, while the hat fabric had a “1.” First, I said that the sweatshirt fabric would make the bead have the lowest number on the UV color guide. I was wrong because the sweatshirt fabric scored a “2.” Next, my hypothesis said that the t-shirt fabric would cause the bead to have a darker color than the sweatshirt fabric. That was incorrect because the t-shirt also scored a “2,” just like the sweatshirt. Furthermore, my hypothesis also stated that the hat would make the bead have a darker color. That wasn’t right because the hat made the bead have the lightest color, which was a “1” on the UV color guide. …show more content…

I would also like to have more trials, a shorter timing duration, and have the light higher up than I did in this experiment. The follow up experiment would help answer If a thicker piece of material will cause less light to get to a UV bead, and if I have more trials, the outcome will be more accurate. Also I think if the light is higher up (let’s say 2 feet) it will mimic the amount of strength the light has on the bead. The follow up experiment would again, answer the problem which was seeing which type of fabric provides the best protection, except completely eliminating a type of fabric to experiment with, and swapping out the thinner sweatshirt fabric for a thicker sweatshirt

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