
Essay about Sustainability in Stadium

Better Essays

‘Sustainability’ is critical to all aspects of society in the 21st century. Evaluate the concept of sustainability and impact that it is having on 21st century Stadium and Arena management practices.

This essay is going to talk about the issues of sustainability related to stadium and arena in 21st century. This essay will give the definition in different historic and contemporary concepts, then talks about the triple bottom line that how sustainability effect on people, profit and planet. At last this report will going to talk about the sustainability development in the future.

This paragraph is going to talk about the definition in different historic and introduce the triple bottom line. During the long course of age, human being …show more content…

CSR is become more important in this society. Business activities will influence the sustainable development and played a centre role in the sustainable development. Business should focus on the world trend and being responsible because it’s important to lead a business to success as “competitive conditions and corporate social responsibility (CSR)”. Business need to transform for sustainable development. “CSR” is not only an empty talk which is also become the determinate factor of a company. “Jacoson and Nelson(2004) take more of a how-to approach, offering a principle-based framework for mastering what they called ‘new rules of the game’.” (Alessia, 2009) CSR of business began to wake. “There is growing sense that looking after the people and the community as well as the environment are all relevant to long-term business survival.” (Alessia, 2009) As the CSR become a esthetic standard and sustainability standard for a business, companies focus more on triple bottom line-people, profit and planet-also could definite as environmental, societal and business arenas. CSR is a start to lead business to sustainability. It is more likely a principle to measure companies’ ethics and sustainability. Berkhout indentified some challenges for companies under the CSR principle. “How to balance its social and environmental responsibility with its economic responsibility to

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