
Summary: Bilbo Baggins Against Orc Industries Corp.

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MSC3040 Assignment#2
TO: Senior Lawyer

FROM: Young Lawyer

RE: Wrongful dismissal - Bilbo Baggins against Orc Industries Corp.
Relevant Players or Parties Plaintiff Bilbo Baggins was hired on December 25, 2006 to help the development of a metal helmet foundry, which was the defendant Orc Industries Corp. In May 2007, the foundry fired Bilbo Baggins and the given reason was due to his dishonesty and intoxication in the workplace. However, there is no further evidence to support the claim except an empty bottle of Shire Whiskey in his office. Bilbo Baggins is going to sue Orc Industries Corp. for the wrong dismissal and compensations for loss. Other parties that can provide insight to this lawsuit would be Bilbo Baggins’ coworkers.
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Wrongful dismissal law suits arise when the employee feels as if he was not treated fairly and with dignity and respect. (Heathfield, S. M., 2016) In this case, Plaintiff Bilbo Baggins indicates that there is a “Just Cause” to terminate his contract immediately and let him go without notice. Typically, a “Just Cause” is existent when an employee is fired for just cause where he or she has been found to have been dishonest with the employer, such as theft of corporate property or in the participation of a competitor business. (Just Cause Definition, n.d.) But the fact was that Plaintiff Bilbo Baggins had successfully completed his duties and neither theft of corporate property nor participate of any competitor business. Therefore, we can conclude that there is no more evidence to proof that Bilbo Baggins classifies as “Just

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