
Strategies to Enchance Team Cohesiveness in an Organizational Setting

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Dynamics and Conflict within a Team The team concept is not an unfamiliar one. We are surrounded by teams from the time we take our first breath until the time we leave this Earth. Doctors, nurses, aides, dieticians, housekeeping, and others all exhibited a collaborative effort to ensure our arrival into the world was a safe and successful journey. Our adventures throughout grade school were also brought about by teamwork. Sports, movies, ballet, politics, business, higher education and several other parameters of life as we know it are the epitomes of teamwork, well-choreographed representations of the adage that states "Two heads are better than one. "Tasks achieved through teamwork are anticipated to be more thorough, more …show more content…

The need for team dynamics is understood after the team is formed, when the individuals work collaboratively toward the common goal. The precursor to team dynamics is (or should be) thoroughly contemplated prior to assigning each member to the team, according to the task at hand and the skills of each member. If the team consists of those most knowledgeable in marketing an idea, for example, and the project calls for a team of post-marketing surveyors, then (obviously) the team would not know how to go about getting the job done, and so their dynamics would be hindered. Team members need to trust each other as well as trust each other 's expertise. They need to feel confident that the other members are doing their share, so that when the team finally pools their ideas together, a multifaceted solution results. Teaming is a collective responsibility; every member is held accountable for their individual contribution, as well as the timely completion of the collaborative effort. In 1965, Bruce W. Tuckman developed a model of five stages for developing teams: "forming", "norming", "storming", "producing" and "ending" (Bookman, 2005). At the "forming" stage, dynamics are important because this is where things begin. At this point you need the chemistry to see how to set up the group according to each other 's strengths and weaknesses. You need to feel confident that all of the members are willing to

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