
Steve Jobs And The World 's Most Successful Motion Picture Studios

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Steve Jobs was responsible for building Apple Computer twice, as well as for rescuing Pixar Animation Studios and turning it into one of the world 's most successful motion picture studios. He also built NeXT, a good idea that did not catch on. He was a hands-on manager, who studied even the most little details of his products, with the heart and eye of a potential entrepreneur. His insistence on high-quality, good-looking products struck harmony with many people who appreciated the splendor of Apple products, resulting in such excellent successes as the Macintosh computer, the iPod, the iPad, the iMac, and the iPhone. These successes often reformed how consumers viewed technology and also reshaped the technology itself. Steve Jobs and Bill Gates are the two people most often attributed with the development of the huge market personal computer, perhaps decades before it might then have developed.
Steve Jobs was born in February 24, 1955 in San Francisco, California. Jobs was adopted in February 1955 by Paul and Clara Jobs, who were tolerant parents. Jobs went to Monta Loma Elementary School, Cupertino Junior High School, Homestead High School, and Reed College. They were so focused on their son 's necessities that they even moved from Mountain View, California, to Los Altos, California, in 1968, to put Jobs in a new school because he said that he could not get along with the kids at his old school. He preferred to spend his time with older students rather than ones his own

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