
Stereotypes Of Greasers

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Do you think the greasers have it rough? Stereotypes look at the greasers as "hoods" when they are walking down the streets alone. Do you think the Socials have it rough? Although they are rich and have a lot of money, also means they are regular people too. They face emotions, fight for reasons, and are judged by how they look and act. Despite the money and freedom that both greasers and Socs enjoy, both groups have their own problems. Both Socs and greasers all have a bad reputation with stereotypes when are looked at. Ponyboy shouted, "Greasers cant walk alone too much or they'll get jumped, or someone will come by and scream "Greaser!" and that doesn’t make you too hot if you know what I mean." (Hinton Pg #) This paragraph shows us that people who have never met a greaser, are looking at them in a bad way. Before stereotypes have a chance to know them, they don’t realize how hard a greasers' life is. Randy stated, "They give us a little money and the world hates us." (Hinton pg #) This shows that Socs have it rough. …show more content…

He describes it as "So it doesn't do any good, the fighting and the killing. It doesn't prove a thing. We'll forget it if you win, or if you don't. Greasers will still be greasers and Socs will still be Socs." However, the greasers and Socs are actually fighting to create peace in the world. The Socs beat up the greasers to have protection. Ponyboy describes the relationship between Darry and a Soc, "They used to be buddies, I thought, they used to be friends, and now they hate each other because one has to work for a living and the other comes from the West Side. They shouldn't hate each other...I don't hate the Socs anymore...they shouldn't hate..." (hinton pg #) this quote shows how forgive in the greasers are. the whole point of the rumble is to create freedom and

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