
Starbucks: The Best Coffee Around

Good Essays

Starbucks: The Best Coffee Around

I could not survive without coffee. Starbucks is one of the few coffee companies who

give their customers the service they deserve. Founded in late 1987 by Gordon Bowker, Zev

Siegl, and Jerry Baldwin Starbucks aim was to become the best coffee company around the

world. These men first started the company in the city of Seattle, Washington but now have

thousands of locations. Throughout the years, more people found out about the company as

stores spread. Starbucks is one of the most successful coffee companies today because they serve

everywhere, and are loyal to their customers providing many promotions and deals.

Starbucks offers many promotions that are beneficial to the customers. Loyal …show more content…


store always tries to recycle at least one type of waste such as cardboard or milk jugs

(“Recycling and Reducing Waste”). Although the people who go to Starbucks can not see what

the employees are doing behind the counter as far as recycling, they still try their best to recycle

as much as possible. Throughout the years, the company has been trying to do as much as they

can to make their disposable cups more earth friendly. In 1997, they came up with a cup sleeve

to prevent using two cups at one time; in 2006 they released a paper hot beverage cup that was

more earth friendly, and in 2008 they launched new plastic cups that has less of an

environmental impact than their old cups (“Recycling and Reducing Waste”). Instead of getting

a disposable cup for every visit, they have reusable cups available. With these reusable cups, a

customer can get ten cents off every drink they buy with it. It promotes the customers to buy the

cups, as well as make it easier on Starbucks recyclable cup process. In a way, buying these cups

is easier for the customers and the franchise. Since 1995, Starbucks has been selling grounds for

gardens, which is “complimentary five-pound (2.27-kilogram) bags of used coffee grounds to

enrich garden soil” (“Recycling and Reducing Waste”). Starbucks is doing as much as they can

Some people may disagree with Starbucks service and how they treat customers. Bret

Simmons explains his bad experience at

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