
Standard of Care

Decent Essays

Case Study: Sandra, a 45-year old female, was brought into the emergency room by her friends with a severe head wound. According to her friends, Sandra tripped and fell after consuming several alcoholic drinks. When she arrived at the hospital she was incoherent and the hospital staff was not able to contact her next of kin. Due to the severity of her wounds, the physician chose to begin medical procedures.

1. Define “standard of care.” How would appropriate “standard of care” be determined in this case?
Standard of care is a diagnostic and treatment process that a clinician should follow for a certain type of patient, illness, or clinical circumstances. The appropriate standard of care to this patient would be to treat Sandra as in …show more content…

When the patient is on hospital or clinic property, there are other liabilities that come into play (
5. Define the terms below and give an example of how each of these principles should be used in this case:
Respect: respect is to show that person attention and to regard the person’s feelings.
Empathy: the ability to understand and share the feelings of another.
Dignity: the state or quality of being worthy of honor or respect.
In the case presented, empathy is shown to the patient by how you are reacting around the patient. You do not want to make fast movements, unless emergency is required, because the patient could awaken at any moment and be frightened. You show the patient respect and dignity by treating her as a patient. The medical staff should not treat her bad and judge her as an alcoholic. The medical staff is there to treat the patient and not to judge or make the patient uncomfortable for any

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