
Spreading America By Susan N Herman Analysis

Decent Essays

Susan N. Herman was elected president for the American civil union, Herman is the chair of Professor Law at Brooklyn Law school which Herman teaches about terrorism and civil liberties. In Rereading America: Cultural contexts for critical thinking and writing Herman uses an effective story to show how the Patriot Act can be a threat to American liberty and how the Patriotic Act can go wrong. After the attack of September 11, 2001 George W. Bush signs the USA Patriot Act. The Patriot Act was signed for America to have the ability to fight terrorism. One reason why Susan N. Herman shows effectively that the Patriot Act can go wrong is the story Herman tells in Rereading America: Cultural contexts for critical thinking and writing about Sami Omar Al-Hussayen. Herman speaks about Al-Hussayen who was a thirty four year old doctoral student at the University of Idaho, he was studying towards his degree in computer studies. Al-Hussayen was a Saudi Arabia citizen and came to the United States on a student Visa with his wife Mafa and his three young sons. Al-Hussayen was a Muslim student leader, shortly after the attack of 9/11 Al-Hussayen held a candlelight vigil disapproving the attacks as an affront to Islam. Al-Hussayen shortly after the …show more content…

Herman effectively shows how the Patriot Act can go wrong the Patriot Act sent an innocent man to jail with false charges. Along with Herman story’s comes racism Al-Hussayen was sent to trial indeed leading to one of the biggest factors of him being Muslim. Hermans story brought up how just because your Muslim doesn’t mean you have something to do with terrorists attacks. Although many races face racism, Muslims face racism by being known as a

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