
Speech Pursuasive Essay

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Specific Purpose Statement: To persuade my audience that IF they choose to support a children’s charity, to support St Jude Children’s Research Hospital. Central Idea: Many charities are deserving of support, but St Jude is truly special. Everything they do for these children makes their lives and their family’s lives just a little bit easier. Pattern of Organization: Problem-Solution Introduction: Attention: How many of you here think that one day, you will choose to support a charity, whether through donating your money or volunteering your time? Reveal Topic: There are hundreds of deserving charities across the nation, but a really special one is St Jude Children’s Research Hospital. Credibility: If you remember from my …show more content…

There are 12 major types of childhood cancer 1. Leukemias (blood cancers) and brain cancers combined account for more than half of all new cases of pediatric cancer. a. One third of all cases are leukemias b. The most common form of leukemia is ALL (Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia) c. The survival rate of ALL in 1962 was 4% 2. The most common solid tumors are brain tumors 3. Other solid tumors are less common in children C. According to the United States Environmental Protection Agency facts about childhood cancer, the monetary cost per case was estimated to be around $623,000. 1. Even with insurance, most families are not going to be able to cover all of these costs. 2. According to the Chili’s website, who as I stated before also supports St Jude, the cost of one day of oxygen equals out to about $500. a.. The cost of one blood count test estimates out to around $50 b. One child-sized specialty wheel-chair, which most of these kids need, costs about $1,000 3. A lot of children do not get the best quality of care because of these money issues. (Connective: Transition-Now that you’ve heard a little background information on childhood cancer, I’m going to share with you what St Jude does and how they are helping battle these

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