
Space Exploration

Decent Essays

The Apollo 11 mission captivated the country and won the attention of the world. The successful mission provided many answers but also raised a myriad of new questions that humans had never before thought of. The triumph of achievement and intellect left the new consequences unnoticed, however it is important to discuss the ramifications of space exploration from all angles before deciding on a course of action. While curiosity and the expansion of scientific knowledge are significant factors, the ecological impacts and financial implications of space exploration are the most important factors to be considered when taking up space exploration, as they will have the largest effect on our future.

The ecological impacts of space …show more content…

Similar to the virtual destruction of the Aztec's by Spanish disease, humans could transport harmful bacteria for which terrestrial organisms have no resistance against and effectively wipe them out. Although unintended, the consequences would still be severe.

Perhaps more disturbing than the ecologic consequences to space are the potential bacterial organisms that could be introduced to the Earth's atmosphere as a result of “backward contamination” (Source F). This is of special concern, because the pathogens and microbes that are in space are foreign to humans, so there is no developed immunity. Potentially, an “infectious extraterrestrial germ” could be introduced to the Earth's environment on a return trip and spread rapidly before a cure could be found (Source F). The threat of infectious disease is a serious one; the potential for the introduction of potent microbes needs to be recognized, and comprehensive measures put in place to prevent a catastrophic epidemic of an alien disease.

Ironically, the very act of going to space itself is destructive to the Earth's environment. Launch pads need flat land, which needs to be manufactured by machine, destroying the surrounding environment in the process. The construction of the gigantic steel trusses needed to support the rocket were likely manufactured across the country and transported by

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